If your client, a supplier or project partner suddenly shows up with a drive full of drawings, reports or whatever, which you need it get into Works Organiser or another system quickly, are you prepared?
Frequently this task requires organizing and integrating the documents into your existing library. The task can also include analysis of the source documentation to identify missing items or apply engineering classification.
Do you have a file server filled with documentation, but you and your staff are unable find anything? Have you completed a project and now want a reference library as a resource for future projects? Has a supplier or vendor delivered hundred (or thousands) of drawing files without any instructions about their meaning or organization?
Document organization solves the problem:
Document integration takes batches of disorganized construction documentation and merges them with an existing project archive:
We are experts at migrating electronic documents between systems. We have tools that make the job more efficient and ensure that documents don't get lost and that all the document end up in the right place, as defined by your filing procedures.
The end-goal is complete and well-organized documentation, which helps keep your project on track.
Contact Us for more information.
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